Introduction: You’re in the Right Place!
MVMNTCHVRCH was created with the needs of three different groups of people in mind.
The largest of these three groups has always been neglected and ignored by the fitness industry, even though it is this group who needs a helpful movement resource most of all.
But before we go any further, I must tell you two truths:
1) The human body requires regular movement to function well.
2) Lots of people aren’t interested in exercise.
Both of these things are true, and at the outset it might seem like they are diametrically opposed to each other. It might seem that if you are one of these people, that if you aren’t interested in exercise, there is just no hope for you.
You might think that it is your lot in life to wake up each morning feeling like you got hit by a truck, each day a blur of aches and pains and the cranky mood that comes along with that.
But those are all assumptions, and it’s more helpful to stick to what’s true: your body needs to move often in order to function well and some folks don’t care about working out. Once you know these two truths, a whole range of choices opens up to you.
If you’re not sure how that could be possible, keep reading!
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MVMNTCHVRCH is not a workout program.
I didn’t design it to be a workout program, I designed it to be a ritual.
You already participate in lots of rituals every day and every week. A wake-up alarm. Breakfast. Checking email. Flossing. Listening to the radio on your commute. Coffee at midmorning or midday. A weekly check-in meeting at work. Music lessons. A movie night or special meal over the weekend. Church (really any religious or spiritual activity).
Some of these rituals you enjoy, others are done without thought, and others still are practiced because you get a positive outcome through engaging with them on a regular basis.
A ritual is any practice done with regularity that we prioritize because we value the positive outcomes it contributes to over time.
You don’t need to wild out like a Gatorade commercial, spraying sweat everywhere as you force yourself through a hundred burpees, to practice movement as a ritual.
When you accept the truth that regular movement keeps your body functioning and feeling good while also accepting the truth that you’re not pumped to “feel the burn” while blasting the Rocky III soundtrack, you’ll find yourself in a very powerful place: you know the truth and you’re ready to consider the choices available to you.
This program is built around one choice in particular: you can choose to adopt movement as a ritual because you know that it will add to your quality of life.
Just like flossing. Just like church.
If it hasn’t clicked for you quite yet, the name of this program is pronounced, “movement church.” I named it this because I recognize the importance and capacity of rituals to transform our lives. And it’s spelled like that because I grew up listening to punk and heavy metal — if you did too, you’re probably nodding your head, and if not, well, now you know! \m/
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I made MVMNTCHVRCH because I know there are lots and lots and lots of people who aren’t interested in exercise. And because I know that it is possible to engage with a movement-based ritual that will work out your aches and pains, lift your mood, and improve your overall quality of life without heading into extreme Gatorade commercial territory.
If you invested in this program because you know that your body needs to move, but aren’t sure how to do that because you’re not into exercise, you’re in the right place!
MVMNTCHVRCH will empower you to move in a way that works for your body and with your body. It will empower you to be friends with your body, forging a deeper connection so you can eventually craft your own unique and personalized ritual. (Though it’s A-OK to keep using the ones this program provides for as long as you like!)
Like I said, I made this program for three groups of people, knowing that folks who want to move but don’t care for exercise are the majority. This is a group of people that has been left out of the movement conversation for far too long and this is the group that most needs (and deserves) a program made specifically with them in mind.
This program is also suitable for folks who already exercise and are seeking ways to improve their movement quality.
Maybe you have some nagging aches and pains that are getting in the way of your regular workouts. This program will add variety to your movement vocabulary and reframe how you practice the basics.
It won’t replace a visit to a qualified PT (and it isn’t meant to!), but following this program can act as a first step intervention, and as a way to practice self-sufficiency around self-care.
Additionally, I know that there is a pretty big group of people who aren’t exercising yet, but are interested in learning how.
If you’ve felt like there was no good way for you to start, MVMNTCHVRCH is a terrific on-ramp!
This program uses stripped-down versions of basic human movement patterns and teaches them to your body in ways that will help you prepare for more complex movements in the future. It’s also an excellent way to reframe exercise in the same way this program reframes movement: as a ritual that you practice because of the positive impact it has on your life.
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So, who the heck am I?
Hi, I’m Jack; a lot of my clients call me Coach Jack.
I’ve been working with people who want to build more strength in their bodies and in their relationship to their bodies since 2009. I coach clients in person and online to use fitness as a tool for self-care and self-love.
I followed the call to this work because I was walking it myself. I grew up hiding in the corner with a book (and still spend a lot of my time the same way); I didn’t start exploring movement or fitness until I was in my late 20’s and it saved my life. Pursuing my curiosity for movement helped me to get clean and sober, moved me halfway across the country, and propelled me into a new career.
More than anything, I want you to know that movement is your birthright. You need to move your body. And you get to move your body! You are the ultimate authority on what ways of moving are best for you, and this program will help empower you to reclaim that authority and celebrate that birthright for yourself!
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OK, now what?
To get moving right away, head to Part 3: MVMTNCHVRCH, read How To Use This Program, watch the Introduction Video, and then check out the long-form video for Day One.
I’d like to encourage you to also check out Part 2: #makeithappen, especially if you want to use this program as it is intended, as a ritual.
A ritual is any practice done with regularity that we prioritize because we value the positive outcomes it contributes to over time.
What makes a ritual effective is the regularity of your practice. There is no “one and done” when it comes to a ritual. Rituals are the things we return to again and again. And it is this returning, this regularity, that creates the results that we desire.
This is what The #makeithappen Guide in Part 2 was built for; it’s filled with effective strategies and practical tools that will help you succeed with maintaining your ritual over the long haul.
Below, you’ll find links to both Part 2 and Part 3 (and remember, the button in the top right of every page will take you to the Program Directory and you can navigate through the program from there, as well).