buying mvmntchvrch as a gift?
Now you can give MVMNTCHVRCH to a friend, partner, family member, or anyone else who would love to get moving, and choose the exact day that they will receive it!
In the past, online programs were automatically sent to the purchaser within moments of ordering. This is super convenient when you want immediate access to a program — but what if you’re buying a program for someone else or for a special occasion?
Now, you get to choose to whom and exactly when your gift will arrive, so it’s sure to delight and surprise!
Follow these 3 simple steps to give the gift of movement:
Fill out the form below & click “submit.”
Click the button of your choice to finalize payment.
Receive a follow-up email within 48 hours, and a confirmation email when your gift is sent!
Please select the payment option of your choosing:
(This transaction uses PayPal, so your gift is guaranteed!)
• You will receive a follow-up email within 48 hours; please make sure to double check that all information is correct!
• You will receive a confirmation email when your gift has been sent.
• Reply to either of the above emails if you have any questions or there are any issues and I will get you sorted out!
• Please remember: the program you are choosing is completely digital; it will arrive with links to the online access portal and for download — no need to worry about supply chain issues!